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New Patients

New Patients

Serving New Bedford Hills Dental Patients

We Are Now Accepting New Dental Patients in Bedford Hills

It’s always an exciting day at Bedford Dental Care when we are able to welcome a new patient into our office. We love serving this community, and each new patient is an opportunity to connect further with this place and its people.

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What to Expect

We know some patients are a little bit nervous or anxious on their first visit to a new dentist. Our goal is to put you at ease as soon as possible. This will be a comprehensive visit with a thorough exam to evaluate the current state of your oral health. From there, we will discuss your oral health goals and you will be an integral part of the decision-making process as far as determining what treatments are next and what we are trying to achieve. Between your input and the expertise of our dentists and team, we will arrive at a plan that is sure to accomplish exactly what you have in mind.

A Comfortable Place to Be

As soon as you arrive at our location and see the welcoming home building that serves our practice, you’ll know you have made the right choice. We have been intentional about the process of creating a space that is modern yet relaxing, with carefully selected decorations and furniture. Patients can opt for additional comfort items like blankets and neck pillows to enhance their visit, and there is even a therapy dog – Jasper – who makes everyone feel right at home. If you are someone who has not traditionally enjoyed your trips to the dentist and you are looking for a new, updated experience, Bedford Dental Care has what you have been seeking.

Bedford Dental Care in Bedford Hills, NY

The Financial Picture

We believe everyone should have access to great dental care and that finances should not stand in the way of positive oral health. Our team will be happy to work with you to explain the cost of treatment and to maximize your insurance benefits. If financing would make the process easier for you and your family, we offer CareCredit, Cherry, and Proceed as options to consider. Don’t sit back and assume that quality dental care is out of reach – we will work with you to make the financial picture work so your oral health can get the attention it deserves.

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